Monday, September 15, 2008

Application Domain in .NET

When we launch the Notepad program in Windows, the program executes inside of a container known as a process. We can launch multiple instances of Notepad, and each instance will run in a dedicated process. Using the Task Manager application, we can see a list of all processes currently executing in the system.
An Operating System Process : Each process has its own virtual address space (in virtual memory), executable code, and data. A windows process cannot directly access the code or data of another windows process A windows process runs only one application, so if an application crashes, it does not affect other applications. Processes are efficient in isolating applications, but they require expensive IPC(Inter Process Communication) mechanisms to communicate. A process is a vary low level operating system construct; the exact behavior of a process is determined by the operating system. Thus a windows 2000 process is very different from a Unix process.

But .net went one step ahead.Multiple applications can run on same process.But it is divide into applicationdomain. Among the application domains the object invoking can be done through the Remoting.
Like a process, the AppDomain is both a container and a boundary. The .NET runtime uses an AppDomain as a container for code and data, just like the operating system uses a process as a container for code and data. As the operating system uses a process to isolate misbehaving code, the .NET runtime uses an AppDomain to isolate code inside of a secure boundary.
Note, however, that the application domain is not a secure boundary when the application runs with full trust. Applications running with full trust can execute native code and circumvent all security checks by the .NET runtime. ASP.NET applications run with full trust by default.

An AppDomain belongs to only a single process, but single process can hold multiple AppDomains. An AppDomain is relatively cheap to create (compared to a process), and has relatively less overhead to maintain than a process. For these reasons, an AppDomain is a great solution for the ISP who is hosting hundreds of applications. Each application can exist inside an isolated AppDomain, and many of these AppDomains can exist inside of a single process – a cost savings.
AppDomains are usually created by hosts. Examples of hosts are the Windows Shell, ASP.NET and IE. When you run a .NET application from the command-line, the host is the Shell. The Shell creates a new AppDomain for every application.AppDomains can also be explicitly created by .NET applications.

A single ASP.NET worker process will host both of the ASP.NET applications. On Windows XP and Windows 2000 this process is named aspnet_wp.exe, and the process runs under the security context of the local ASPNET account. On Windows 2003 the worker process has the name w3wp.exe and runs under the NETWORK SERVICE account by default.
Each ASP.NET application will have it’s own set of global variables: Cache, Application, and Session objects are not shared. Even though the code for both of the applications resides inside the same process, the unit of isolation is the .NET AppDomain. If there are classes with shared or static members, and those classes exist in both applications, each AppDomain will have it’s own copy of the static fields – the data is not shared. The code and data for each application is safely isolated and inside of a boundary provided by the AppDomain. In order to communicate or pass objects between AppDomains, you’ll need to look at techniques in .NET for communication across boundaries, such as .NET remoting or web services.
The relationship between a process, the CLR, application domains, and assemblies is illustrated in Figure 3-1. Three assemblies have been loaded into the first application domain and one assembly into the second. As yet, no assemblies have been loaded into the third application domain.

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