Monday, May 13, 2024

AWS Storage

 1. S3 (Simple Storage Service) - File storage

2. Glacier

3. CloundFront

4. EBS (Elastic Block Stoarge) - Block storage

5. Storage Gateway

6. Snow Family

7. Databases

S3 Storage Class:

It is all about Object Storage through buckets. Objects could be a file or any chunk of data. AWS stores them and makes available to at least 3 available zones. 

Supports Encryption.

Ways to get data into S3 buckets:

1. Through API

2. AWS Direct Connect

3. Storage Gateway

4. Kinesis Firehose

5. Transfer Acceleration

6. Snowball, snowball edge and snowmobile

S3 Concepts:

1. Bucket

2. Regions

3. Objects

4. Keys

5. Object URLs

6. Eventual Consistency

7. Prefixes and Delimiters

Operations on S3:

1. Creating and deleting buckets

2. Reading objects

3. Writing objects

4. Deleting objects

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