Saturday, November 24, 2018



1. MVC stands for : model view controller

2. Why you chose WebAPI?

3. What is the base class for creating a WebApi?

4. Can you do routing in WebApi like MVC?

5. Is it right that ASP.NET Web API has replaced WCF?

6. what is odata?

7. What are route constraints in MVC?

8. How to define a custom route constraint?

9. If you have Default route and a custom constraint in MVC RegisterRoutes, which one will override?
10. What is the role of IControllerFactory?
11.  What is the default routing format in MVC?
12. What is the default IHttpHandler in MVC?

MVC Routing:

Routing is a great feature of MVC, it provides a REST-based URL that is very easy to remember and improves page ranking in search engines. 
Routing table is stored in Global.asax.
Default routing pattern is {controller}/{action}/{id}

Route Constraints:

These are additional filters on the route that can restrict/limit the searches on the route handler. The best example to consider the usage of RouteConstraint is to allow route to only recognize integer parameters for actions. 

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