Thursday, January 26, 2017

Facts about Microsoft MVC

1. in Feb, 2007, Scott Guthrie from Microsoft written the basic prototype of  MVC framework during traveling in a plane.

2. Original prototype code name was "Scalene"

3. The first official release of ASP.NET MVC was on March 13, 2009

4. MVC 2 released after a year in March, 2010

5. MVC 3 shipped after 10 months from the release of MVC2. Things introduced were:
    1. Razor view engine
    2. Better javascript with Jquery/json
    3. Use of NuGet

6. MVC 4 contained: 1. ASP.NET web API, 2. Mobile project template, 3. Minification

7. MVC 5 was released along with Visual Studio 2013 in October 2013

8. Features of MVC 5:

1. One ASP.NET
2. New Web Project Experience 

3. ASP.NET Identity
4. Bootstrap templates 

5. Attribute Routing
6. ASP.NET scaffolding 

7. Authentication lters
8. Filter overrides 

9. In MVC 5, the project templates moved to run on the popular Bootstrap framework. Bootstrap was rst created by a developer and a designer at Twitter, who later split off to focus on Bootstrap com- pletely

10. a large variety of Bootstrap themes (both free and paid) are available from sites like and

11. Scaffolding is the process of generating boilerplate code based on your model classes

12. Controllers within the MVC pattern are responsible for responding to user input, often mak- ing changes to the model in response to user input. In this way, controllers in the MVC pattern are concerned with the ow of the application, working with data coming in, and providing data going out to the relevant view.

13. Code name for Visual Studio Development Server is Cassini.

14. VS2012 or higher use IIS Express

15. To create a controller, we need to inherit it from System.Web.Mvc.Controller

16. HttpUtility.HtmlEncode sanitizes the user input to prevent from injecting the JS or HTML code.

17. Parameters to the controllers can be pass either using querystring or using path segments.

18. Model 

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