Monday, March 23, 2009

Install Windows Vista from a USB 2.0 Flash Drive

Connect the USB flash drive and make sure that you know its address. In order to find this out, just type "list disk" after you run CMD.exe.
The USB flash drive will have an address like this "disk 1", but we will continue to refer to it as "disc x" where "x" is the number of the drive on your computer. You will now need to enter the following commands:
1. diskpart
2. select disk 1
3. clean
4. create partition primary
5. select partition 1
6. active
7. format fs=fat32
8. assign
9. exit

Using "xcopy d:*.* /s/e/f e:", simply copy the entire content of the Windows Vista DVD on the flash drive. Boot the computer from the USB drive and simply install Windows Vista.

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