Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Task Parallel Library in .NET C#

 TPL  (Task Parallel Library) is a set of classes which helps developers to add parallelism and concurrency to the code. It leverages all the available processes to use efficiently by the code. 

Using TPL, you can optimize the performance of the code by dividing the workload. In the developer jargon, it is a way to utilize multithreading. Using TPL, multithreading becomes easier. Otherwise you need to take care of resource utilization and other parameters in order to achieve multithreading by yourself. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Video recording software

 Wow - Today I found a software to record the videos with Screen and webcam. 

The program is all online and you don't need to install it as windows application. 

It is over the cloud.

Followed by Loom : Loom looks more professional to capture videos.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Top best CSS frameworks

  • 1Bootstrap.
  • 2Foundation.
  • 3Bulma.
  • 4UIkit.
  • 5Semantic UI.
  • 6Susy.
  • 7Materialize.
  • 8Pure.
  • 9. Skeleton
  • 10. Milligram
  • 11 Tailwind

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Front End learning material

 Front-End Resources - DEV Community

Javascript Learning resources

Javascript Style Guides

Performance/Code Optimization

Javascript Interview Questions

Tips and Tricks

Javascript Cheatsheet

Javascript News Letters

Developers to follow

Javascript Algorithm

Learn Javascript

Javascript Books


Best Practices

Javascript Projects

Youtube channels

Javascript using Console - Facts you might have missed while debugging

 The shortcut to open console window in the browser : Ctrl + Shift + I

You might have used console.log("log here") many times but there are other methods of console object which we might be omitting and could be very beneficial time to time. Here are the others:

1. console.error()

2. console.dir()

console.table() & console.groupEnd()

console.time() & console.timeEnd()


Outstanding Tips:
Use console.log("%cTEXT", "color: purple; text-size: 20px")