Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Structure Map

It supports Setter and Constructor Injection.

Now we will look into the steps to configure Structure Map into our application.
  1. Add Reference to Structure Map
  2. Add Structure Map configuration
  3. Register with the Structure Map Registry
  4. Controller Factory for Structure Map.
  5. Call Structure Map in Global.ascx.
Step 1: Add Reference to Structure Map

Add Reference to StructureMap.dll.

You can download Structure Map from http://sourceforge.net/projects/structuremap/

Step 2: Add Structure Map Configuration

using StructureMap;
using StructureMap.Configuration.DSL;
using StructureMap.Configuration;
using StructureMap.Pipeline;

public class ServiceRegistry : Registry
    protected override void configure()

public class DBServiceRegistry:Registry
    protected override void configure()
        ForRequestedType<DBDataContext >()
        .TheDefaultIs(() => new DBDataContext())

The above configuration of Structure Map will inject UserService when there is a request to IUserService.

Similarly it will inject SearchRepository when it finds a request to ISearchRepository.

Types of Instance Scoping Provided by Structure Map:
  1. PerRequest - The default operation.  A new instance will be created for each request.
  2. Singleton - A single instance will be shared across all requests
  3. ThreadLocal - A single instance will be created for each requesting thread.  Caches the instances with ThreadLocalStorage.
  4. HttpContext - A single instance will be created for each HttpContext.  Caches the instances in the HttpContext.Items collection.
  5. Hybrid - Uses HttpContext storage if it exists, otherwise uses ThreadLocal storage
Step 3: Register with Structure Map Registry

Using StructureMap;
public static class Bootstrapper
   public static void ConfigureStructureMap() { 
   StructureMapConfiguration.AddRegistry(new DBServiceRegistry());
   StructureMapConfiguration.AddRegistry(new ServiceRegistry ());

Note: You could use Step 2 and Step 3 classes in a Single File Named Bootstrapper.cs. This file could be located at the Folder which  has Global.asax.

Step 4: Controller Factory For Structure Map

Using StructureMap;
  public class StructureMapControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
  protected override IController GetControllerInstance(Type controllerType) {
   try {
      return ObjectFactory.GetInstance(controllerType) as Controller;
   catch (StructureMapException) {
The controller factory is responsible for creating controller instances. We extend the built in default controller factory with our own factory for working StructureMap with ASP.NET MVC . 

Note: This  file named StructuremapControllerFactory.cs could be located in the Controller Folder.

Step 5: Modify Global.asax 

protected void Application_Start() {
   //Configure StructureMapConfiguration
    //Set current Controller factory as StructureMapControllerFactory
    ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory( new myFinance.Web.Controllers.StructureMapControllerFactory()
The above code will set our controller factory and configure StructureMap configuration when our ASP.NET MVC application is started.

Dependency Injection

The Problem - Tight Coupling

Before even we get in to abbreviation of IOC and DIP, let's first understand the problem. Consider the below example we have a customer class which contains an address class object. The biggest issue with the code is tight coupling between classes. In other words the customer class depends on the address object. So for any reason address class changes it will lead to change and compiling of 'ClsCustomer' class also. So let's put down problems with this approach:
  • The biggest problem is that customer class controls the creation of address object.
  • Address class is directly referenced in the customer class which leads to tight coupling between address and customer objects.
  • Customer class is aware of the address class type. So if we add new address types like home address, office address it will lead to changes in the customer class also as customer class is exposed to the actual address implementation.

Figure: - Problems of IOC
So if for any reason the address object is not able to create the whole customer class will fail in the constructor initialization itself.

 DI is also known as Inversion of Control (IOC)
Dependency injection is a design pattern basically allows us to create loosely coupled, reusable, and testable objects in your software designs by removing dependencies.
Instead of compile time dependencies it offers runtime loading and initialization of components, which makes solutions load on demand.

Principles of IOC
The basic principle of IOC stands on the base of Hollywood principle (response given to amateurs auditioning in Hollywood):

Do not call us we will call you 

In other words it like address class saying to the customer class, do not create me I will create myself using some one else.

We will take a look into the Object dependencies before digging in more.
Consider a scenario of fetching an employee details and show display in UI. Let us say create a Business logic layer class named EmployeeBAL and a data access layer class named EmployeeDAO
public class EmployeeDao
//Some code
public class EmployeeBAL
var employeeDAO = new EmployeeDao();
//Some code
From the above code you will notice one thing that we are creating EmployeeDAO instance inside the Business logic layer class. So here comes the dependency

What is wrong if we have a dependency?

Think about whether your code is unit testable. We cannot fully unit test the EmployeeBAL as it has a dependency on Employee DAO. So we can say as long as the composition of the DAO exists within the BAL we cannot unit test the EmployeeBAL.
You will also notice one more thing here; with this type of implementation you will see a high coupling of BAL and DAL.

How to make it loose coupling?

The basic idea behind Dependency Injection is that you should isolate the implementation of an object from the construction of objects on which it depends.
Coming to the example, we should be isolating the implementation of EmployeeBAL object and the construction of the dependent EmployeeDAO object.
We will see how we can make loosely coupled objects in detail

Different types of Dependency Injection
  1. Constructor Injection
  2. Setter Injection
  3. Interface-based injection

Constructor based dependency injection

We will have to modify the EmployeeBAL to accept an EmployeeDAO instance within its constructor.
public class EmployeeDao
//Some code
public class EmployeeBAL
EmployeeDao employeeDAO;
public EmployeeBAL(EmployeeDAO employeeDao){
this.employeeDAO = employeeDao;
//Some code

Property based dependency injection

With property based injection we will have a public getter and setter Property of type EmployeeDao so that the dependency can be externally set.
public class EmployeeBAL
Public EmployeeDao EmployeeDataAccess{ get; set; }
var employeeBAL = new EmployeeBAL();
EmployeeBAL.EmployeeDataAccess = new EmployeeDao();
The above ones are just some techniques of injecting the dependency. We are still yet to discuss one more interesting thing Unit Testing.
Are you agreeing that we have removed the DAO creation from the Business Logic EmployeeBAL? Yes it is good but it still depends on the actual instance of EmployeeDao.
Consider the below mentioned implementation of the same sample senarios
interface IDataAccess
//Some code
class EmployeeDao : IDataAccess
//Some code
public class EmployeeBAL
private IDataAccess dataAccess;
public BusinessFacade(IDataAccess dao)
dataAccess = dao;
You can notice we are doing a constructor dependency injection but most important thing here
is we are using Interface type than creating a strongly typed object.
The advantage that we are getting here is we can have an in memory data access object of
IDataAccess interface type and we can easily inject the dependency to the EmployeeBAL.
By this way we no need to have the actual database dependency.
Are you happy that we can unit test the BAL without the data access dependency?

Interface Injection
Interface injection, by using a common interface that other classes need to implement to inject dependencies.
The following code shows an example in which the classes use the ICreditCard interface as a base contract to inject an instance of any of the credit card classes (VISA or MasterCard) into the CreditCardValidator class. Both the credit card classes VISA and MasterCard implement the ICreditCard interface:
01.public interface ICreditCard
03.string CardNo { set; }
04.bool Validate();
07.public class MasterCard : ICreditCard
09.private string _cardno;
10.public bool Validate()
12.return true;
15.public string CardNo
17.set { _cardno = value; }
21.public class VISA : ICreditCard
23.private string _cardno;
25.public bool Validate()
27.return true;
30.public string CardNo
32.set { _cardno = value; }

Dependency Injection (or DI) allows us to provide implementations and services to other classes for consumption in a very loosely-coupled way. The key tenet is that such implementations can be swapped out for other implementations by changing a minimal amount of code, as the implementation and the consumer are linked by contract only.
In C#, this means that your service implementations should adhere to an interface, and when creating consumers for your services you should program against the interface and not the implementation, and require that the implementation is provided for you, or injected rather than having to create instances yourself. Doing this allows your classes to not worry about how dependencies are create nor where they come from; all that matters is the contract.

Dependency Injection by Example

Let’s go through a simple example where DI could be useful. First, let’s create an interface (the contract) which will allow us to perform some task, say logging a message:
public interface ILogger
  void LogMessage(string message);
Notice that nothing about this interface describes how the message is logged and where it is logged to; it simply has the intention of recording a string to some repository. Next, lets create something which uses this interface. Say we create a class which watches a particular directory on disk, and logs a message whenever the directory is changed:
public class DirectoryWatcher
  private ILogger _logger;
  private FileSystemWatcher _watcher;

  public DirectoryWatcher(ILogger logger)
    _logger = logger;
    _watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(@"C:\Temp");
    _watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(Directory_Changed);

  void  Directory_Changed(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
    _logger.LogMessage(e.FullPath + " was changed");
The key thing to notice is that the constructor, we require that something which implements ILogger is given to us, but again notice that we don’t care about where the log goes or how it is created. We can just program against the interface and not worry about it.
This means that in order to create an instance of our DirectoryWatcher we must also have an implementation of ILogger ready. Let’s go ahead and create one which logs messages to a text file:
public class TextFileLogger : ILogger
  public void LogMessage(string message)
    using (FileStream stream = new FileStream("log.txt", FileMode.Append))
      StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
Let’s create another which logs messages to the Windows Event Log:
public class EventFileLogger : ILogger
  private string _sourceName;

  public EventFileLogger(string sourceName)
    _sourceName = sourceName;

  public void LogMessage(string message)
    if (!EventLog.SourceExists(_sourceName))
      EventLog.CreateEventSource(_sourceName, "Application");
    EventLog.WriteEntry(_sourceName, message);
Now we have two separate implementations which log messages in very different ways, but both implement ILogger, which means that either one can be used where an instance of ILogger is required. Now we can create an instance of DirectoryWatcher and have it use one of our loggers:
ILogger logger = new TextFileLogger();
DirectoryWatcher watcher = new DirectoryWatcher(logger);
Or, by just changing the right-hand side of the first line we can use our other implementation:
ILogger logger = new EventFileLogger();
DirectoryWatcher watcher = new DirectoryWatcher(logger);
This happens without any changes to the implementation of DirectoryWatcher, and this is the key concept. We are injecting our logger implementation into the consumer, so that the consumer doesn’t have to create this instance on its own. The example shown is trivial, but imagine using this in a large-scale project where you have several dependencies which need to be used by many times more consumers, and then suddenly a requirement comes along which means that the method of logging a message must change (say  the messages are required to be logged into Sql Server for auditing purposes). Without some form of dependency injection, you will have to carefully examine the code and change anything which actually creates an instance of a logger and then uses it. In a large project this can be painful and error prone. With DI, you would just have to change the dependency in one place, and the rest of your application will effectively absorb the change and immediately start using the new logging method.
Essentially, it solves the classic software problem of high-dependency and allows you to create a loosely-couple system which is extremely agile and easy to change.

Advantages of Dependency Injection

The primary advantages of dependency injection are:
Loose coupling
Adds potential flexibility to a codebase for future changes
Centralized configuration
Easily testable

Dependency Injection Containers

Many DI frameworks which you can download and use go a step further and employ the use of a Dependency Injection Container. This is essentially a class which stores a mapping of types and returns the registered implementation for that type. In our simple example we would be able to query the container for an instance of ILogger and it would return an instance of TextFileLogger, or whichever instance we had initialised the container with.
This has the advantage that we can register all of our type mappings in one place, usually in an “Application Start” event, and that gives us quick and clear visibility as to what dependencies we have in the system. Also, many professional frameworks allow us to configure the lifetime of such objects, either creating fresh instances every time we ask for one, or re-using instances across calls.
The container is usually created in such a way that we can get access to the ‘Resolver’ (the thing which allows us to query for instances) from anywhere in the project.
Finally, professional frameworks usually support the concept of “sub-dependencies”, where a dependency has itself one or more dependencies to other types also known to the container. In this case, the resolver can fulfil these dependencies too, giving you back a full chain of correctly created dependencies according to your type mappings.

IOC Frameworks
1. Unity Application Block (Unity)
2.  NInject
3. StructureMap
4. Castle Windsor
5. Spring.NET
6. AutoFaq
7. Picocontainer.NET
9. Puzzle.NFactory

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cruise Control

What is Curise Control
  • Free and open source build scheduler
  • Consists of two components:
    • Build loop (runs as a service/daemon)
    • Status Dashboard (runs as web application)
  • Works with many version control systems (CVS, PVCS, Subversion, ClearCase, ...)
  • Works with any build tool that produces parseable output (Ant, Maven, ...)
  • Cross platform (written in Java)
  • Easily extensible:
    • Configuration easily extended by custom plugins
    • Well defined interfaces for version control systems, build tools and publishers
  • Well supported:
    • Complete reference documentation
    • Active users mailing list
    • Numerous tutorials
    • "Pragmatic Project Automation" book by Mike Clark

    How CC works:
    • Developer checks work into version control
    • CC polls version control
    • If CC detects any changes, it...
      • triggers a build
      • captures logs and build artifacts
        • Examples: jar, war, javadoc, unit test report, code coverage report, code quality metrics
      • publishes results
        • Examples: send email, send instant message, turn on lava lamp

        (Following is the image of build report by CC)

     Project Page

Install CruiseControl.NET :
Download the latest CruiseControl.NET release from: SourceForge or the latest build from CCNetLive.
You can find release notes here. For this article I used the installer for version 1.4 (CruiseControl.NET-1.4-Setup.exe), downloaded from the CCNetLive website.

Run the setup executable file and, when prompted, you must specify your choices for a couple of actions:
‘Install CC.Net server as windows service’ must be checked so that the setup will install CruiseControl as a Windows service.
In the Services management console the CruiseControl service will be displayed with the name: CruiseControl.NET.
‘Create virtual directory in IIS for Web dashboard’ will create a virtual directory named ccnet in the machine’s IIS web server. If you have an IIS server installation supporting multiple web sites (this is not the case for Windows XP Professional) and prefer to have a separate web site for the CCNet web dashboard you should uncheck this option. This is my choice. In the next paragraph I will show you how to create an IIS web site for the CruiseControl.NET web dashboard.

When the install process is finished all the content will be installed in the folder:
C:\%ProgramFiles%\CruiseControl.NET (e.g. C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET).
Under this path you will find a directory called server, containing all the CCNet binary files and executables, and a directory called webdashboard, containing the CruiseControl.NET web interface.

Create a CCNet Website in IIS
 Here I will add and configure a Website in IIS for the CruiseControl.NET Webdashboard: the administrative interface of CruiseControl.NET.
Open IIS Manager in Administrative Tools, right-click on the Web Sites node and select New Web Site.
The Web site creation wizard will start.
Click Next and you will be prompted for a Web Site Description.
Type CCNet and click Next, leave Unassigned the IPAddress, choose a port number (say: 222) and leave empty the ‘Host Header for this site’ field, then click Next.
Choose C:\%ProgramFiles%\CruiseControl.NET\webdashboard as the path for the Website and click Next.
Allow ‘Read’ and ‘Run scripts’, the default, and click Next. The wizard is finished and the new Website created.

Continous Integration

Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily — leading to multiple integrations per day. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly.

Continuous Integration (CI) involves producing a clean build of the system several times per day, usually with a tool like CruiseControl, which uses Ant and various source-control systems. Agile teams typically configure CI to include automated compilation, unit test execution, and source control integration. Sometimes CI also includes automatically running automated acceptance tests such as those developed using FitNesse. In effect, CI means that the build is nearly always clean. 

Tools for automatic Build and Release Management:
1. Microsoft Visual Studio Team System
2. Cruise Control .NET
3. Team City
4. Hudson
5. Bamboo
6. Arbit
7. Go,
8. BuildForge,
9. TeamBuild,
10.FinalBuilder Pro
11.Automated Build Studio
13. BuildMaster
14. BuildBot
15. Draco.NET

Continuous Integration Benefits

  • Instant build feedback
  • Increased code stability
  • Efficient and fast bug detection
  • Increased development speed 
There are really two separate parts to gettings started with CI.
  1. Setting up the build server and
  2. Creating the build (e.g. Nant files)