Saturday, June 29, 2024

AWS Lambda

What is Serverless : 

 Pay for what you use

Service automatically scales up or down accordingly. 

AWS Lambda allows upload the code to Amazon aws without the need of the server. 

AWS Lambda is a Function as a service (FaaS) which is a serverless architecture that developers can use to write custom backend functions and deploy the function code directly to the cloud infrastructure

It falls under the Compute services in AWS. 

Process :

1. Create a lambda function

2. Uplaod to AWS 

3. Test and trigger

Lambda execution models:

1. Synchronous 

2. Aysnchronous

3. Pull stream based

Monday, June 3, 2024

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam CLF-C02

Cloud Concepts - 24%

Security and Compliance - 30%

Cloud Technology and Services - 34%

Billing, Pricing and Support - 12%