Monday, May 13, 2024

AWS Storage

 1. S3 (Simple Storage Service) - File storage

2. Glacier

3. CloundFront

4. EBS (Elastic Block Stoarge) - Block storage

5. Storage Gateway

6. Snow Family

7. Databases

S3 Storage Class:

It is all about Object Storage through buckets. Objects could be a file or any chunk of data. AWS stores them and makes available to at least 3 available zones. 

Supports Encryption.

Ways to get data into S3 buckets:

1. Through API

2. AWS Direct Connect

3. Storage Gateway

4. Kinesis Firehose

5. Transfer Acceleration

6. Snowball, snowball edge and snowmobile

S3 Concepts:

1. Bucket

2. Regions

3. Objects

4. Keys

5. Object URLs

6. Eventual Consistency

7. Prefixes and Delimiters

Operations on S3:

1. Creating and deleting buckets

2. Reading objects

3. Writing objects

4. Deleting objects

AWS Compute

 1. EC2

2. Lambda

3. Batch

4. Serverless Application Repository

5. AWS Outposts

6. AWS App Runner

Cloud Computing and AWS

Internet-based solution which operates on other servers. We don't have details about the server infrastructure details. On-premise system piloted on other servers. 

Examples: Google Drive, Dropbox

  1. Cost reduced due to hardware sharing, operationa cost reduction as no one particularly managing physical servers and reduced deployment cost.
  2. Increased Resiliency, Performance and capacity (storage)


IAAS (Infrastructure as a service) 
PAAS  (Platform as a service) - like webhosting
SAAS (Software as a service) - Email application like gmail 

 1. AWS 
  2. Azure 
  3. GCP

AWS History:
AWS launched first time with SQS in 2004.
2006 - EC2, S3 buckets
2007 - Simple DB solution
2008 - Elastic IP 
2009 - Management Console and VPC
2010 - Route 53, SNS, IAM
2011 - Elastic Cache
2012 - Dynamo DB
2013 - Kinesis and lots of new features
2014 - Redshift and 560 new features
2015 - CloudTrail and 720 new features

AWS Core Foundation elements:

1. EC2
2. Elastic Beanstalk
3. Lambda
4. Elastic Containers

1. S3 - Storage of data in small chunks called Buckets
2. Glacier - used for archival purposes
3. Storage gateway

1. Dynamo DB - NoSQL
2. ElasticCache - Fast retrieval
3. Redshift 
4. SnowBall

1. VPC
2. CloudFront
3 Route53 - DNS
4. ApiGateway

1. Cloud Watch
2. Cloud Formation
3. Cloud Trail
4. AutoScale

Media Services
1. Kinesis video streams

Machine Learning
1. Rekognition


AWS Products Overview:

Security, Identity and Compliance:
Cloud HSM
WAF and Shied

AWS Cost Management:

Mobile Services:
Mobile Hub

Application Integration:
SQS - handle application process
SNS - Getting notification


Regions and Availabilities: